Today Jamaica celebrates 50 years of Independence. That, despite the issues that Jamaica has faced up until now and is still presently facing, must be acknowledged as a significant accomplishment. I do sincerely hope that for my country, the only path we choose from here on out is the one forward!!
In order to share my love for my country with everyone, I have decided to outline reasons why I love my home and why you should love it too(in no particular order):
1. 95% of the year the sun is shining. Every morning that I wake up and look out my window to see the trees bathing delicately in the largely overbearing sunlight, the birds chirping and a light breeze blowing (sometimes haha), it warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. Any day that starts with a smile is bound to be a good one!
2. Jamaicans are not afraid to fight for what they believe in.
3. Our food is AMAZING!
4. EVERY citizen is talented. Not one. Not two but EVERY citizen. For proof simply look at our achievements in every sphere or possible occupation. Not only in our country but all over the world, you are bound to find a Jamaican!
5. In light of #4 we can then surmise that when we put our minds to something, we will stop at nothing, and will brook no denials until our goal has been achieved.
6. Our motto "Out of many One people" rings true. You only have to look around to witness the varied people groups that have either settled here long ago, or recently and now call Jamaica their home.
7. Jamaicans look out for each other.
8. Jamaica has given birth to some of the greatest people in the world: Bob Marley, Louise Bennett Coverley and Usain Bolt to name three.
9. The fastest man on earth comes from Jamaica!
10. Everybody who's heard of Jamaica wants to visit! If you've visited Jamaica, you never leave the same.
11. Snoop Dogg *clears throat* Snoop Lion, had a spiritual awakening here. Noted by his immediate name change upon departure.
12. James Bond was born here in the parish of St. Mary.
13. A James Bond movie was also made here, see Dr. No.
14. Our dialect is as diverse as it is unique.
15. The colours of our flag complement each other perfectly!
16. Our beaches are magnificent!
17. Our people are gorgeousssssss!!
18. There is always something to do.
19. Jamaican's are innovative.
20. The passion innate in all Jamaican's that manifests in what we do.
21. We likkle but we tallowah! Jamaican's don't let the fact that we are a small country be a boundary for us. We go after what we want, no excuses!
22. Our rich history. It has brought us to where are and made us who we are today.
23. I can get coconut water whenever I want. hahaha...; -) When I have the energy to eat the jelly I am NEVER disappointed!
24. We have a national dish, I can't think of any country that has a national dish! Our national dish ackee and saltfish is my favourite food EVER! I could literally eat it everyday. Some people think that ackee is weird, because if you force the fruit open before it has opened on it's own and is ripened properly it is poisonous. But all you have to do is exercise a little patience! Wait until it has opened and this golden little fruit will make you the happiest person on the island!
25. For all intents and purposes, Red Stripe might as well be our national beer. Ha!
26. Jamaicans love to make up dances. Count on one at least once every two months. Okay maybe not that often, but still quite often (hee hee).
27. We DOMINATE track and field.
28. We have qualified for the World Cup before, I am patiently waiting the second qualification. Who knows maybe 2014 will be our year!!
29. Jamaican's know how to have a good time! Even if we're all eating bread and butter, sitting on the veranda people watching.
30. We have a wonderful school system, and I am blessed to have been apart of it.
31. Our mountains, hills, valleys, rivers and oceans. Everything that makes this island "The land of wood and water" as it was referred to as when Columbus landed in 1494.
32. Our music easily lifts spirits, gives hope or simply tells stories. But whatever the intention of the artiste, it is always entertaining!
33. Wi pan chicken sell offfff!!!! (Jerk Chicken)
Happy 50th Anniversary!!
Blessed by Fr. Ted
10 years ago
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