So I went running today like I usually do on the weekends, and i'm thinking to myself, singing songs in my head anything to make the time go by faster when a man comes walking towards me and he gives a little smile. Now I think nothing of it because people walk pass me on the road all the time. I mean it's a public sidewalk. So I nod my head in greeting and proceed to keep on running. Then he starts to speak to me. OK, I still keep running, general rule of thumb for women everywhere don't talk to strange men on the road who give you random smiles. That's my rule of thumb anyways.
I'd love to say that that's where it ends, but alas that wouldn't be much of a post now would it. As I run past him and he starts to talk I look up beside me and he's running with me....
"You know I see you sometimes and I'd like to run with you"
I know the faces of the people who run/walk in my neighbourhood regularly and you're not one of them so how are you seeing me?!
"You're running right now"
He laughs "Yes. You know you're a very beautiful girl"
Now I'm a human and I love a compliment as much as the next person but I've been running for awhile and i'm hot, sweaty, maybe I even smell a little idk, my body hurts and i'm tired forgive, me if i'm a little sceptical and a tad bit snippy.
"You know it's not every day you see a beautiful girl running, and I just want to run with you"
"OK, well you're running"
"Can I run with you some time?"
"You know you're a very beautiful girl and I just want to get to know you"
OMG QUIT ALREADY!!! I start to run faster.
"OK" I respond
"When do you run?"
"Whenever I feel like"
"Is it every Friday?"
"No whenever I feel like running I run"
"OK that's nice"
"Where do you run?.....(I turn the corner) oh you run in a circle"
BINGO we have a winner! Someone give this man a cookie!!!
"So I can run with you and then come out on the road again." He continues
"I suppose"
What the heck?! I wanted to shoot somebody! So I'm coming up to my house (my route starts from my house and I do a couple laps out and around the neighbourhood and back to the beginning) to the end of my running and this guy is still with me. I'm getting slightly annoyed and i'm ready to scream b/c now I have to continue running because I couldn't let him see where I lived. And like clockwork...
"Do you live around here?"
I wanted to shoot myself b/c I answered...
"Oh that's nice."
Now he was carrying books in his hand, I suppose because he was coming from class or something I have no clue and neither do I care, but I was hoping that maybe the books would fall so I could run and leave him to pick up his mess. We're coming up to the main road...
"We're coming back to the road I'm gonna leave now."
"So can I get your number so I could call you and take you out or something"
"Do you want to take my number"
"Maybe I will see you again and we will go running. I'm gonna have to walk by here alot more"
"Ok here's the main road i'm gonna leave you now"
"Maybe we can go have dinner and go out sometime, do you go out with a special someone?"
"No. Friends"
"Oh ok that's nice. I'm gonna have to go now, you're such a beautiful girl I don't talk to beautiful girls very often, one that I want to be with"
"Well they're lots of beautiful girls around one day you'll find yours"
"No it's not easy."
"Well I have to go now I hope to see you again so I can get your number"
"Well what is your name."
"Maybe you will see me again and I'll tell you."
...ummmm not frickin likely....
"Well my name is Shane."
"Nice to meet you. Bye have a nice weekend"
"Yes I have to go now."
...he continues to run with me....
"You're really good i'm tired already."
"Takes time. Bye have a nice evening."
"Yes ok bye"
I run along and pick up the pace again and I hear a shout after me...
"Wow you're so beautiful I would love to get to know you I hope to see you soon"
I run ALOT faster. Now you can imagine how annoyed I was I had to run a whole half mile past my house, i'm tired and I can hardly breathe because I was running faster than usual. Ugh, if I see this guy again I might scream now I have to change my running days which is not cool b/c it works so perfectly with my school schedule!! I must, however, congratulate his persistence though it was ALOT creepy; I was not nice to him, and I was rude and even a little bit mean. Please dear God don't let me see him tomorrow or i'll have to change my running days for sure. Ugh! Man! that's an experience for the books.
Now enough about me; my dear friend Hannah Parsley was today a guest blogger for Jonah Acuff's popular blog "Stuff Christian's Like". I'm so proud of my ParsleH! It's a lovely little article too please check it out and lend your spport!!
Not your typical Friday run..... :-)
Blessed by Fr. Ted
10 years ago
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