Under the present circumstances i believe well wishes for the New Year are in order. Happy Happy Happy Happy New Year!!!!!! haha...:-)
When I was younger Journaling was something cool. It was somthing that I wanted to do just to be able to say "I have a journal and write in it everyday". (Kinda like blogging...:-))I have no idea why I held it in such high esteem. Perhaps it was because at the time, my understanding was that to keep a journal meant that you had secrets to hide; and let's be honest who doesn't want to have secrets? To feel somewhat superior to another person because you know something they don't? Whether it is a secret pertaining to your personal life or someone else's we just love having secrets. We love telling them too, but that's for another day. However it's probably just the mystery of it all. Writing in code, in a secret book, that you're probably going to lock with some random heart shaped pendant...(lol)...in a box...in a box...in a bag...under the bed (haha)...and the key will never leave you're sight...:-)
Needles to say I tried to journal and failed over and over and over again; and as I got older journaling lost it's intrigue. It seemed and became a chore. I got tired of attempting to create drama and excitement out of my drab (for journaling purposes) life. But as I lay here in bed contemplating:
A) watching Guys and dolls for the millionth time
B) finishing the Time Traveler's wife
C) re-reading The Picture of Dorian Gray
D) last but not least...journaling.....
I wonder at option 'D'.....dare I try again? But then I think also that journaling has the stigma so to speak, (in my mind anyways) of being highly emotional and anyone who knows me well knows that I like ot travel to the kingdom of Far Far Away with that one lol. So really is this something that I want to try again? I just have so many thoughts in my head sometimes I feel like I am going to burst!!! haha...:-)
Your's truly,
Thinking, thinking, thinking....:-)
Blessed by Fr. Ted
10 years ago
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