So I’m in Canada visiting family for a couple weeks and a cousin (C) of mine takes me to the CN tower along with her 5-y-o son who hasn’t been there either. So of course I do not refuse, I mean a Canadian tourist attraction that doesn’t start with the word Nia...
After we travel to the top of the tower and see like three different cities because the tower is so friggin tall!!!!! I go to the souvenir shop and I see this cool clock that I just had to have. I don’t buy souvenirs but then again I sed to myself...”self...when are u gonna ever be here again....” with that thought I decided to spend the 21 doll-hairs to buy the clock. I asked my usual questions and made sure that when I bought the clock the battery would last for awhile and that it did indeed come with a battery. Needles to say I was very pleased with my purchase.
We go over to C’s fiancĂ©es house and were talkin and i’m havin’ my peach drink and he’s makin tacos for dinner and he wans to see my souvenir. Proud as I am I whip put that bad boy and lo and behold...No clock face....I kinda did that thing that they do in movies where they stare incredulously for a bit; and I swear if my life had a soundtrack, “Stupid Girls” by Pink would be playing and the track would be stuck on the beginning of the song where Pink just says stupid girls a couple times...yeah that would be repeated over and over and over....
This is what I realised...being me (you know that you all do it too) I inspected the clock on display and then I pulled open one of the other boxes of clocks and looked at what that box looked like. Then satisfied with that I went to the back of the row and pulled the closed box at the back. Took that to the cashier paid and I was out. Here’s the thing this box was three boxes behind the box I had opened. So obviously I assumed that it would be the same damn thing. NOPE!! Here’s the other thing I realised that there was the replica of the CN tower minus the clock being displayed on the same table with the CN tower replica with clock. SO I should have checked. Paid the price for the clock too......“Stupid girls, Stupid girls...”
Yours truly,
“Moderately Annoyed”......:-I
Blessed by Fr. Ted
10 years ago
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