Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oscar Wilde on Debt

While re-reading (or listening rather since it was an audio-book) "A Woman of No Importance" the other day......

LADY STUTFIELD: [To Lord Alfred] How very, very charming those gold tipped cigarettes of yours are, Lord Alfred.
LORD ALFRED: They are awfully expensive. I can only afford them when I'm in debt.
LADY STUTFIELD: It must be terribly, terribly distressing to be in debt.
LORD ALFRED: One must have some occupation nowadays. If I hadn't my debts I shouldn't have anything to think about. All the chaps I know are in debt.
LADY STUTFIELD: But don't the people to whom you owe the money give you a great, great deal of annoyance?
LORD ALFRED: Oh, no, they write; I don't.

This, is one of the many reasons I love Oscar Wilde.

Indebtedly Yours,

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