So I know that for most people the first thing that comes to mind is...O.K. here we go again another person crying about the woes of the world, trying to make us feel guilty for wasting our (nasty) green beans because this child in a country (whose name I can't even begin to pronounce) half way across the world is starving. Is that what this is about? Yes and no.
No, because I can't make anyone feel guilty for anything. That is completely up to them. If you choose to help then great I applaud you and thank you so much. If not, it won't break my day.
On the other hand yes and a big RESOUNDING yes, because living in a third world country where I see suffering on many different levels often brings issues like these close to home where my heart is...:-)With this in mind, I wanted to highlight a cause and three organisations that I support, which makes an effort to aid these "cause-worthy" individuals in whatever way possible. If you have a moment (which I assume you do since you are taking the time out to read my blog) please do not hesitate to go on the webpage and browse, so that should an opportunity arise whereby you can help you have the means to do so. Otherwise keep these organisations in your prayers. (for information about this one you can hit me up!)
Do what you can and leave the rest to God...:-)
Blessed by Fr. Ted
10 years ago